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Wiley Series in Agent Technology: Developing Intelligent Agent Systems : A Practical Guide 1 ebook TXT, DOC


Build your own intelligent agent system Intelligent agent technology is a tool of modern computerscience that can be used to engineer complex computer programmesthat behave rationally in dynamic and changing environments.Applications range from small programmes that intelligently searchthe Web buying and selling goods via electronic commerce, toautonomous space probes. This powerful technology is not widely used, however, asdeveloping intelligent agent software requires high levels oftraining and skill. The authors of this book have developedand tested a methodology and tools for developing intelligent agentsystems. With this methodology ( Prometheus ) developerscan start agent-oriented designs and implementations easily fromscratch saving valuable time and resources. Developing Intelligent Agent Systems not only answers thequestions what are agents? and why are theyuseful? but also the crucial question: how do Idesign and build intelligent agent systems? The book coverseverything a practitioner needs to know to begin to effectively usethis technology - including an introduction to the notion ofagents, a description of the concepts involved, and a softwareengineering methodology. Read on for: a practical step-by-step introduction to designing and buildingintelligent agent systems. a full life-cycle methodology for developing intelligent agentsystems covering specification, analysis, design and implementationof agents. PDT: Prometheus Design Tool software support forthe Prometheus design process. the example of an electronic bookstore to illustrate the designprocess throughout the book. Electronic resources including the Prometheus Design Tool (PDT),can be found at: This book is aimed at industrial software developers, softwareengineers and at advanced undergraduate students. It assumesknowledge of basic software engineering but does not requireknowledge of Artificial Intelligence or of mathematics. Familiaritywith Java will help in reading the examples in chapter 10., Build your own intelligent agent system?, Build your own intelligent agent system? Intelligent agent technology is a tool of modern computer science that can be used to engineer complex computer programmes that behave rationally in dynamic and changing environments. Applications range from small programmes that intelligently search the Web buying and selling goods via electronic commerce, to autonomous space probes. This powerful technology is not widely used, however, as developing intelligent agent software requires high levels of training and skill. The authors of this book have developed and tested a methodology and tools for developing intelligent agent systems. With this methodology ( Prometheus ) developers can start agent-oriented designs and implementations easily from scratch saving valuable time and resources. Developing Intelligent Agent Systems not only answers the questions ?what are agents?? and ?why are they useful?? but also the crucial question: ?how do I design and build intelligent agent systems?? The book covers everything a practitioner needs to know to begin to effectively use this technology - including an introduction to the notion of agents, a description of the concepts involved, and a software engineering methodology. Read on for: a practical step-by-step introduction to designing and building intelligent agent systems. a full life-cycle methodology for developing intelligent agent systems covering specification, analysis, design and implementation of agents. PDT: Prometheus Design Tool ? software support for the Prometheus design process. the example of an electronic bookstore to illustrate the design process throughout the book. Electronic resources including the Prometheus Design Tool (PDT), can be found at: This book is aimed at industrial software developers, software engineers and at advanced undergraduate students. It assumes knowledge of basic software engineering but does not require knowledge of Artificial Intelligence or of mathematics. Familiarity with Java will help in reading the examples in chapter 10.

Read online ebook Wiley Series in Agent Technology: Developing Intelligent Agent Systems : A Practical Guide 1 by Lin Padgham in EPUB

Contributors offer a constructive methodology suitable for exploring financial crises.Based on the exclusive cooperation of eyewitnesses and confidential sources within the intelligence, diplomatic, and military communities, Fred Burton and Samuel M.A fine, subversive book.Presently, the numbers and types of intelligent controllers that contain variations of fuzzy logic, neural network, genetic algorithms or some other forms of knowledge based reasoning technology are dramatically rising.Part I gives an overview and theoretical background to the nature of spontaneous speech, differentiating it from the lab-speech that has been the focus of so many earlier analyses.It contains eight full papers, covering the areas of cloud middleware, multi-processor systems, quantum computing, optimization, and secure biometric-based encryption methods.Introduction to Computational Linear Algebra introduces the reader with a background in basic mathematics and computer programming to the fundamentals of dense and sparse matrix computations with illustrating examples.You ll be able to deliver those results on the PC, on tablets, on smartphones, as well as share results via the cloud.